onsdag, maj 09, 2007

Goda råd

från den fantastiske Warren Ellis:

Yes, this is a form e-mail. Because I get asked this question a lot:

“How do I become a comedian?”

The answer is very simple. It’s so simple, that no one can ever accept that
it’s the ONLY WAY. But rest assured, the lucky few who understand how simple it
is, and go and do this simple thing, ALWAYS succeed:

Go onstage a lot. Go onstage as much as you can.

Don’t read books on comedy. Don’t take comedy classes. Don’t ask anyone how
you should write material, or what they think of your material. Develop on your

Go onstage. A lot. Every night. If there isn’t an open mike in your town,
start one.

And then go onstage. A lot.

That’s it.

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